Facing Our Discord
Series: Facing Life's StormsThe third in David Banning's series on "Facing Life's Storms". How do we face discord among brethren when it comes?
- Accept reality. Even in the first century Christians had trouble with each other (Acts 5, Acts 6, 1 Corinthians, etc.). Problems happen.
- Sometimes our discord is because of bad people doing bad stuff.
- Sometimes our discord is because of immaturity, such as Simon in Acts 8. None of us matures all at once.
- Sometimes our discord is because of spiritual weakness, such as Peter in Galatians 2.
- Recode the cause of bad behavior. Don't jump to "this person is evil!"
- Don't leave the Lord because of something someone does to you.
- Don't just jump to another church. There are people there, too....
- Be a pillar.
- Help hold up the church. Be a peacemaker.
- Support the leaders when they must remove someone in sin.
- But if the battle of truth and error is lost, it's time to leave.