



With so many voices telling us we can’t succeed, we need to hear people tell us, “Yes we can.”
It is wearisome to hear how we can’t do this or that and cannot succeed. Too many times the voices of pessimism and negativity drown out the voice that tells us we can. Oh how the situation would have been different that day when the ten spies spoke, if they had just said, “We are able.” But no, the voices of Joshua and Caleb were drowned out by the voice of  “we are not able.” The end results were so sad.
I wish I could figure out why we can be so negative with each other. I wish I could figure out why I even listen to those voices?  There is one voice we need to listen to. That is God. God has spoken to us in His word. In His word the repeated refrain is He will enable us to overcome. He will enable us to be victorious. He will enable us to succeed. He did not create in us a new heart just to see us defeated.
So, let’s stop listening to those who say we are failures. Who say we cannot do it. NO, NO, NO, NO, we are not!  We are His special creation created to do good works He has ordained for us.

Satan wants to stop us. He wants to defeat God. He tried at the cross but failed. Let’s not let him succeed with us. Let’s listen to the voices who say, “We are able.” Who tell us that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we say or ask.
We need people who speak to us and let us know they believe in us.  Who encourage us to live our dreams and fulfill our passion and live life with purpose. So often the difference between success and failure is belief instilled in us by someone who simply encouraged us.
Try today to be that one who instills in another that belief. Assure them with confidence that they can rise above their depression. Fuel them with the fullness of God. Feed them the reassurance that they worth more than anything else in this world.
Let’s stop listening to those who say, “We can’t.” Let’s listen to God who says, “With me all things are possible.” 

Rickie Jenkins