

"What about John?"

Peter has just heard about how he’s going to die, and he turns around, and John is right there, and he says, “What about John?”  Jesus said, “If I will that he remains till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me” (John 21:22, NKJV).  And the “you” is emphatic!    What is important is, “YOU, follow Me.”  

Isn’t that the question? “What about the other fellow?” Jesus tells Peter, “What is that to you? Whatever happens to John has nothing to do with you. Peter, you take care of your business, and I will take care of John.”

How many times do we allow the affairs of others to hinder us from following Jesus? How many times we do we seek self-justification based on what someone else is doing, or not doing? Measuring ourselves by others is not wise (2 Cor. 10:12). 

This is something that all of us would do well to take to heart.  We all find it so very easy to comment on the service of others, and criticism becomes pretty easy.  But our main task, our focus, is to be making sure “WE are following Jesus.”  Peter is the forerunner of the favorite indoor sport of some Christians called “Comparison.”  I am convinced there are people who think their calling is the managing of other people’s lives.  That’s their ministry.

Could it be that strife is the result having our eyes focused on the other person rather than on having our eyes focused on the One we are supposed to be following?  Could it be we are keeping score to make sure we get our 15 minutes of fame?  

Just suppose that it was your job to tune all the instruments in the symphony.  You go and tune the sax and the piano.  And then you tune something to the sax, and you try to tune all the instruments to each other.  I don’t know what you are going to have when you begin to play, but it’s not going to be harmony.  

Now, what you do is really pretty simple.  You take one little ole tuning fork.  Then, you tune all the instruments to that one fork.  And then when they play, there will be harmony, and they will play well together.

Could it be that we would have more harmony among Christians if we’d all just try to follow Jesus and stay out of the other fella’s business? We are a body, and we’re not all alike. We have different abilities and temperaments. How we use those differences will bring glory to God as we to follow Jesus. 

“Peter, if I will that he remains till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” 

“Lord, help us to stay in our lane. Help us to measure ourselves by You. Help us to take care of ourselves. We know You will take care of the others.”

Rickie Jenkins