

Three Keys To Building Relationships

We often make life more complicated than it needs to be. Mastering the small things is powerful. There is nothing more simple and more powerful than loving, serving, and caring. In a world filled with complications, these three small things have a big impact.


It all starts with love. When we love what we do, we will accept all the challenges, adversity, and rejection to keep doing what we love. If we don’t love it, we won’t persevere through all the obstacles to become great at it. The key is to do what we love and love what we do. I dearly love preaching the gospel. It is never a burden. It is always exciting.

The same is true of our relationships. If we love our relationships, we will accept all the fleas and ticks that come along with them. They will not seem burdensome. But if we do not love our relationships, there is not enough superglue to bind them together. Love is the key to succeeding at what we do and the key to long-lasting relationships. Regardless of title or profession, to be human is to love and want to be loved.  I genuinely love people. I love to see people burden-free and close to one another.

Love is what separates good and great. Good teachers know their lesson plans; great teachers also know and love their students. Good coaches know X’s and O’s; great coaches also know and love their players. Good shepherds know their people; great shepherds know and love their flock. Good parents know their children; great parents know and love their children. Good leaders know their vision and purpose; great leaders also know and love their people.

It’s simple. Greatness is built with love.


Because we love, we serve. Serving is love in action. Service takes many forms. We can wash feet. We can cook a meal. We can listen and heal wounds. We can sacrifice our wants and wishes for the good of one another. We can serve in the small things that are often taken for granted. The ways are endless, but all acts of service put the needs of others before our own.

Great shepherds serve the people they lead. Great families serve the growth and development of one another. Great churches promote spiritual growth by serving God and one another. It is serving that make them great. They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others. Jesus set the example of service for us all. He gave Himself for our good. He came to serve, not be served. Serving asks one simple question, “How can I help you in your need?”

We don’t have to be great to serve, but we have to serve to be great. The ironic part of serving is this: when we serve and help people improve and grow, we improve and grow. When we lose our ego in the service of others, we find true greatness.


When we love and serve, we find ways to show that we care. We make people feel important and let them know that they matter. We focus on them because everyone and everything matters.

When we care, we will be noticed. Our world seems more selfish than selfless. So many don’t seem to care. We need to do more, give more, become more, and create more. People will sense our care and be drawn to us. The world takes notice. It is inspiring to be people who care for others.

When we care, we build rather than destroy. We encourage, not discourage. We help, not hurt. When we care, we put our heart, soul, spirit, and passion into what we do and those we care about. Instead of creating something ordinary, we create and build something great.

Focus on loving, serving, and caring, and our relationships will grow exponentially. Make everyone feel like we are focusing on loving, serving and caring for them, just them. When we love, serve, and care, we not only change our heart and mind, but we also change the hearts and minds of the people around us.

It’s not complicated, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s easy to be scattered. It’s easy to focus on the outcome instead of the process. It’s easy to focus on numbers instead of people. The path to greatness isn’t easy, but it is simple. Do what we love. Love others. Serve others. Show we care. Do this day in and day out, one person at a time, and the impact we have and the legacy we leave will be truly great. We won’t just have success, we will help others be successful; this is the true measure of success.
True success is leading people to God and helping them to grow into His image.

Rickie Jenkins