

Is Baptism a Work?

Each generation must face basic questions about the Bible. For example, is baptism a work or is it a condition in order to receive salvation.
Is baptism a work? Yes. Is baptism a work? No. However, those aren't the real questions. Even more basic is the question, “Is salvation conditional or unconditional?” Even more basic, “is man a free moral agent, able to choose spiritual right and wrong, or is man unable, because he is totally depraved, to choose spiritual right or wrong?”  And, “How will God attain His dream to have a man conformed to the image of His son? Will it be because man chose God or because God, independent of man, chose that individual?”
Can we not see the question regarding baptism is not really about baptism? If salvation is conditional then anything the covenant maker offers is still in the hand of the covenant maker, not man. Man is simply accepting the conditional offer of the covenant maker in order to receive gift offered. Therefore, election is also conditional. God in essence says, “Choose me and I will choose you.” However, if salvation is unconditional then there is no conditional offer. That would mean election in unconditional which would require God to directly influence, apart from man’s will, the outcome. Because man is so totally depraved he cannot choose to any spiritual good. So the only way God can have that man is by the irresistible act of the Holy Spirit empowering man. When God does that, then man can choose to do spiritual good. But that is not man’s choice. That is God choosing the man. Therefore, any response apart from that direct influence, is a work that would earn him his salvation.
God dreams of having man who willingly bows before Him and calls Him Lord. However, if man is unable to choose to do spiritual good God cannot attain His dream. The only man God gets is the man whose will has been overpowered by the Holy Spirit. That man is not conformed, he is programmed. But when man is allowed to freely choose good and evil, independent of any enabling act of the Holy Spirit, God will have the man He wants. That man whole-heartily submits to God of his own choosing.
So what then of baptism? If man accepts the conditional offer of salvation, baptism is a response of faith. Man willingly gives himself to God and obeys Him. Therefore, he receives the gift.
Let’s quit letting others set the narrative. Instead of asking is baptism a work, ask is salvation conditional or unconditional? Is man free to choose to do spiritual good or is man unable to choose to do spiritual good?
One more thing: baptism is not the issue for any who realizes they are lost. When a person realizes that he is lost, there is only one question, “What must I do to be saved?” In response man’s faith obeys, accepting the gift offered. 