

People Who Have Helped Me

I want to take a few minutes to share with you somethings about some important people in my life. I am a person who is highly dependent on other people to make me look good. And, I need a lot of help too. These people are due some overdue recognition and appreciation for how they help me.
Marilu King is my secretary. In doing work as an evangelist in a local church there is a tremendous amount of clerical work. So much so that, without help, is easy to spend all my time doing clerical things rather than tending to the word. Marilu makes sure all material that needs to be available for my classes are prepared for me. She makes sure that every quarter the class material for all our classes are ready to go. She makes sure the supplies needed to do this work are available.  I can tell her I need a certain thing and she somehow she makes it available. There is a lot stuff that takes place behind the scenes and she makes sure what is needed is supplied. Others who have done this work for me.  I appreciate them so much, and they know what she does.
Next, is Dana Ritchie. When we moved into this building in September of 2003 we installed PowerPoint. I had no idea how to use it, and still don’t. When I asked for help Dana volunteered. Ever since September of 2003 any PowerPoint I use in a sermon is one she has produced. I send her the skeleton points and she makes it look great. She has done this when it was not convenient for her. At times when her mother’s failing health demanded a lot from her. At the time when her father’s failing health demanded her complete attention. She tirelessly works to make sure my PowerPoints are ready. Even if she is going to be out of town she still gets them done for me. I really am not much a PowerPoint person. I do realize their value but without her help my use of them would be of no value.
Also, Matt Sanders makes publishing Wednesday’s Walk With The Lord possible. As long as I have been doing these WWWTL’s Matt has been the one who publishes them. What you see each week is his work. I have no idea how to publish these little missives. I write them and send them to him. He publishes them. A few years ago I told Matt that I was going to stop writing WWWTL. He insisted that I not do that. He told me how much good they do for him. So, for him alone, I continued to write these little missives. I am glad he insisted. I have benefitted from wring them. Perhaps they have been a little help to others.
WWWTL was never intended to be an in depth piece of some passage. It was intended to be something that was mine, from me. If it could be helpful to others, all the better. I began this for me. I have tried to share, honestly, my heart through writing. Writing is not easy for me. But, I am better because Matt talked me into continuing. I get many responses from you who read these. I am so thankful to you for your encouragement.
Finally, I am thankful to my wife, Jody. She proofs every article...except this one. She would tell me not to say anything about her. The final product is due to her diligent help. She takes the time, when it is not convenient, to make sure I have these in the best editorial shape they can be. She has done this for years.
My gratitude for Marilu, Dana and Matt is greater than I can express to them. My love for the apple of my eye is deeper than I can ever tell her.
There are others, who I will tell you about in the future who have helped me along the way. I look forward to sharing them with you.
