


Better. The word carries some implications.

It brings to mind the idea of quality. It implies a judgment being made. We might use words like greater, superior, or improved. We use the word all the time. It determines the choices we make.

We talk about the better tasting food, or a restaurant that offers better service. We like some movies, but there are others which are better. We talk about better schools and teachers, better cars and roads. We discuss better care in hospitals and coverage with insurance. We want jobs with better pay and which offer better benefits. We understand the concept of better. Some things are good. Other things are simply better.

Martha needed to be reminded of good versus better. Her service to Jesus was a good work. Preparing the food and caring for her guests was good. However there was something better she could have been doing. She could have followed the example of her sister who chose the "better part" of sitting at the Master's feet and taking in the bread of life (Luke 10:42).

This is the Christian life - choosing between what is good and what is better.

There are many "good things" we can be involved in. There are good works and services which can fill up our schedule and occupy our time and energy. But are they what is best? Are there more important things I need to be focused on? Are there more pressing matters which deserve my full attention?

The writer in Hebrews urges us to shed the weight that slows us down so we can run as fast as we can towards our heavenly goal (Hebrews 12:1-2). It ought to remind us that even though there may be things in this life which may not be sinful or wrong, it doesn't mean they will help me be who God wants me to be, or do what God has asked me to do. In all things I need to ask - which is good, and which is better?

Like Mary, I need to have the heart that always seeks the better part.