

Watch For the Small Things

Recently I was in the Pasadena, Texas area and had lunch with Dee Bowman. While visiting together I asked him several questions. I wanted to know what he thought about a few things. One question I asked him, “What is important know about what happens in life between the ages 61 and 82? He paused for a moment and said among other things, “Be Wise Small.” Dee Bowman once wrote a little book entitled Be Wise Small. It is vintage Dee, taking observations about life and scripture and seeing the value in small things. His response moved me think about some of those small things that make a big difference. Here are four small things, which if we do will make a big difference in the lives of others.

A smile. Someone said it cost the least and gives the most. When we smile we acknowledge the other person. A smile expresses approval. A smile is a sign of affection. Affection, approval, and acknowledgment is something each of us desire. A smile is a sign of a merry heart. Solomon said, “A merry heart is good for the soul.” Smile more than you frown.

A compliment. A compliment takes so little effort. It simply says, “I notice what you have done for me.” It is an expression of gratitude, another small thing, or an expression of kindness, another small thing. Compliments, thank yous and acts of kindness, three small things that are intertwined. When we compliment we are much more enjoyable to be around. It is just easier to be around people who are filled with gratitude than bitterness. We all enjoy a thank you. It seems so small but it really builds up. So if you are having a bad day find someone to compliment, tell them thank you and show them an act of kindness. Maybe a card. Maybe a rose. Maybe a smile.

A prayer. Pray for someone who is struggling with hardship. Let them know you pray for them and value them. It will put a smile on their face. Prayer is an act of kindness. Also, it is hard to pray for another when bitterness fills the heart. That may be why Jesus said to “pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” It is hard to hold a grudge against someone when you are praying for them. So if someone has hurt you and abused you or you feel persecuted, pray for them. Empty your heart to God and let Him have the problem. Then your heart will be filled with joy and you can smile and compliment them.

Be sure to count your blessings every day and thank God for them. Once you begin counting you will run out of numbers. It is just a small thing but will make a really big difference in how you will look at people.