

Refining Fire

“The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is valued by what others say of him” (Proverbs 27:21).

When others gossip and bear false witness, our reputation can be unfairly tarnished. But, over time, people generally learn what is true or false. That can be good news or bad news depending on the amount of time it takes of others to learn the truth. And, it can be good news or bad news depending on who others listen to.

When precious metals undergo the refining process, they are usually heated to the melting point. At intervals, the dross, or sludge, is skimmed from the top, gradually leaving the purified metal. In the same manner, what others say is the fire that separates the noble from the selfish, the good from the bad. Though hurtful, for the wise bad reports can be of great value – if we will accept them and make changes. But if we take ourselves off the fire by excusing our actions and blaming someone else, we will not learn nor will we benefit from the criticisms.

A good reputation takes time to earn, just as it takes time for the fire to heat and purify gold or silver. While it is good to listen to others, also beware of listening to everybody and weighing everybody’s opinion the same. Place high value on the perceptions of wise people, but discount the backbiting gossip of angry people or those who flatter to simply win our approval.

Staying in the heat is hard but we can learn valuable lessons if we endure. That fire can purify our hearts.

Cicero said, “To disregard what the world thinks of us is not only arrogant but utterly shameless.”