Praise from Children
“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (Psalm 8:2)
Have you heard the children sing in the assembly? It kind of melts your heart, doesn’t it? That’s God silencing the foe. In the middle of a ho-hum morning or a rough-and-tumble afternoon at home, have any of you moms heard your child back in her bedroom singing Trust And Obey or reciting his memory verse? Oh my! Someone just hit the mute button on that old avenger, didn’t He?
Have you ever sat in on the Vacation Bible School and seen the children excitedly answering questions about the Bible and interacting with adults dressed as Bible characters? I can testify that the foe seems light years away in those precious moments.
As Jesus triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem, children were shouting, “Hosanna to the son of David.” Indignant, the priests and scribes complained to Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” Jesus quoted Psalm 8:2 to them, essentially saying, Yeah! Isn’t it awesome! Jesus’ enemy would have his day, but not this day. This day the foe was drowned out by the children shouting praises to Jesus the Christ!
The High School Bible class recently wrote a psalm which the congregation sang at our last song service. What a blessing it is to hear our children praise God.
Heaven and earth are filled with His glory
All nature gives praise to the Lord
When shadows of fear and doubt overtake me
He brightens my path by His Word
Out of the depths of sin He has raised me
With His healing hand I am whole
Now I can rejoice in His tender mercy
For His precious blood saved my soul
What wondrous joy when we are surrounding
The Throne of the Ancient of Days
Victorious over death, with glory abounding
Forever I’ll sing out His praise
The Lord Most High is over all the earth
His Light shines on the righteous
And His power endures
His love never fails
O Praise His Name
Praise His name above all names
Devil got you on the run? Ailments or sadness got you down? Vacation Bible School is this week, and all are welcome. I can think of no better prescription for what’s ailing you, and no better way to tell that foe, Hush now! The children are singing!